Join the Hospitality Program

Shareholders and residents join our Outreach Hospitality Program   Meet your neighbors, get to know each other. We want to hear your ideas for your floor and building. The intent of the program/committee will be to coordinate resident outreach to address quality...

Seeking Holiday Party Planners

Holiday Party The Annual Holiday Party has been scheduled for Saturday, December 15th from 7pm-10pm. If the Main Lobby is not complete we will gather in the Riverside Lobby.  The Board is looking for anyone interested to assist in organizing the party.  If we cannot...

Save the Date: Dec 7 Lobby Decorating

Lobby Decorating The Board is hopeful that the Main lobby will be finished painting in time for decorating for the holidays and has set the date of Friday, December 7th, 7pm, as a time to gather with interested residents to decorate.  We will keep you posted on the...

Monday Night at the Masters Winter Series

Join Us! Monday Night at the Master’s Winter Series Riverside Lobby 8pm – 9pm December 3: David Hoos, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University The International HIV Epidemic: Time for Clinical Hope; Time for...

Heating Season on the Way

October 10, 2012 RE: RADIATOR MAINTENANCE Dear Residents, During the heating season of 2011/2012, a number of you reported heating that you could not control: radiators that did not turn off and having to open windows to have a livable apartment or radiators that were...

310 Riverside Drive, New York, NY