Wine on Wednesdays, April 17th

Wine on Wednesdays  Riverside Lobby April 17, 8:00pm Greta Garbo at Home with Art: a Tour of her Art Collection  Presented by Jan-Eric and Mari-Anne Askenstrom You are welcome to join Mari Anne and Jan Eric Askenstrom for a look at Greta Garbo’s art collection...

Join the Gardening Team

Spring Is Springing  and our gardens need tending. If you like occasional gardening and are experienced or not, please volunteer to work with us on our 4 tree wells.  We have been three volunteers trying to deal with the wind, dogs, and people who think the tree wells...

Inviting Contributions to the Website

Help make The Master’s website informative, interesting and fun! Make reflect the variety of our residents and in our local community. Tell us about: Activities of our residents in business, work, education, and the community. Our residents’...

310 Riverside Drive, New York, NY